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Unlocking the Secrets of Addiction Recovery


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Unlocking the Secrets of Addiction Recovery

In collaboration with Brian Pennie, we conducted this workshop on “Unlocking the Secrets of Addiction Recovery”. Brian Pennie is an author, speaker, PhD candidate, university lecturer, life-change strategist and recovering addict, now 15 years clean. In collaboration with Brian, we conducted a 2-part course masterclass with Perspectives Ireland. Brian has never spoken about the details of his successful recovery from heroin addiction for one reason. He had no idea why he recovered and thrived, and why sadly many others do not. In search of these answers, he turned to Yvonne and Ciara. Over the past year, Brian has worked closely with us to combine their knowledge and experiences to unlock the secrets of addiction recovery. After months of collaboration, they believe they have found the key.

Read more about Brian Pennie here.

What you will learn from this Workshop:

  • Discover several core ingredients to addiction recovery

  • Learn how individuals can thrive in recovery

  • Discover the unfulfilled needs of those in addiction and recovery 

  • Improve your relationships with loved ones struggling with addiction 

  • Develop a greater understanding of addiction, especially at its source

  • Discover whether you (or loved one in addiction) is ready for treatment 

  • Develop a great appreciation for those struggling with addiction 

Session 1: The path to Addiction

This first session focuses on the forces that drive addictive behaviour, such as pain, trauma, unfulfilled needs, and difficult family dynamics. Brian discusses key features of his journey towards addiction, including pain and anxiety that dominated his early childhood and primed him for a life of addiction.

Session 1: Beyond Surviving & Recovery from Addiction

This second session focuses on the key ingredients of addiction recovery. These include an acceptance of reality, fulfilment of personal needs, and an openness to a new purpose. Again, Brian discusses key features of his journey, including critical insights and learning experiences that helped him to believe that another way of living was possible. Yvonne dissects the critical points in Brian’s recovery and highlights how he used these experiences to not only turn away from addiction but crucially, to turn towards a new way of being.

Format: Pre-recorded self-paced workshop

Price: €120 +VAT 


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